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total CD time (63:09)

Home (Home Grown Mix) (6:24)
by Human
Plasma (Freshwater Mix) (7:51)
by Qualia
Love Dub (Drum Mix) (6:54)
by Ras Command
Jah Weybridge (7:15)
by Adelphi
Hypnotized (7:02)
by P.R.O.M.
Pulse Dub (7:43)
by Chris Zippel
Unbelievers (5:53)
by Etherealites
Witch Doctor (4:36)
by Small Axe
Baba, We Love Dub So (9:28)
by Doof
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'Earthjuice' by Various Artists
(waveform cat. no. 88103 - UPC no. 789068810324 - release date: 15 Sep 1998)

europe's most crucial dubmasters ...
freshly squeezed electromagnetic dub...drink deeply!

"The Dub musical revolution stemmed originally from Jamaica - in particular the tiny studio once run by the late Osbourne Ruddock, aka King Tubby, in Kingston. Sometimes we still underestimate the profound influence of reggae: its brilliant, skewed methodology, its confusing stellar panoply of engineers, DJs, producers, musicians, stars and crooks."

"When King Tubby first discovered dub, the revelation came like so many technological discoveries of pop music, through an accident. It was Tubby, cutting discs for Duke Reid at Treasure Isle, who first discovered the thrill of stripping a vocal from its backing track and then manipulating the instrumental arrangement with drop-outs, echo, equalization and electronic effects."

"Dub music is like a long echo delay, looping through time. When you double or dub, you replicate, reinvent, make one or many versions. Long delay, short delay, space echo, reverb, flange, phase, noise gate, echo feedback, shotgun snare, rubber bass, zipping highs, cavernous bottoms; the effects are there for enhancement, but for a dubmaster, they can displace time, shift the beat, heighten a mood, suspend a moment. Every few years Dub regenerates, sometimes so quiet that only a disciple could hear, sometimes shatteringly loud, spreading out a song or a groove over a vast landscape of peaks and deep trenches, extending their hooks and beats to a vanishing point. Dub creates new maps: sound sculptures, sacred sites, balm and shock for the mind, body, and spirit -- turning the rational order of musical sequences into an ocean of sensation."

-- David Toop from MixMag (used by permission)
(author of "Rap Attack 2" and "Ocean of Sound" published by Serpent's Tail).

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