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total CD time (69:42)

Dallam (4:55)
by I-Sense
Born Basic (4:12)
by Foundland
Beautiful Lady (6:44)
by Tim Clement
Kombai (11:23)
by Eleven Shadows
Sunrise West (9:23)
by Danna & Clement
Four Dimensional
Interaction (8:28)

by Sanjiva
Last Embrace (5:44)
by Akumu
Druck (18:33)
by Richard Wahnfried
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Click to Download Slumberland Episode Two

'Slumberland Episode Two : Awake & Dreaming' by Various Artists
(waveform cat. no. 99106 - UPC no. 789069910627 - release date: 24 Oct 2000)

episode two...eerie, atmospheric electronics

There is a fascinating state of reality that is equal parts of sleeping, dreaming and being awake. It is sometimes labeled "Slumber." If we can accept the premise that in the bigger picture of existence there is no such thing as "time," but instead just the passing of events in a linear, measured fashion, then we can also accept that we have spent literal eternities in this "state of Slumber."

The first installment of the Slumberland compilation series presented dreamy, atmospheric recordings, as one possible interpretation of our state of slumber. In Episode Two : Awake & Dreaming, the direction is toward a more energetic form of musical expression that ventures into that realm we loosely define as the spirit world.

There are some timeless classics here, including Canadian Tim Clement's disembodied, Beautiful Lady and the mesmerizing 18:33 minute opus, Druck, from German electronic music pioneer Klaus Schulze's "Richard Wahnfried" project -- which includes performances from Shulze, former Santana percussionist Michael Shireve and his famous sidekick guitarist fictionally named here as "Karl Wahnfried," as well as Ashra guitarist Manuel Gottsching.

Slumberland Episode Two is both eerie and exotic. It therefore encompasses a substantial portion of our sensory environment and that strangely familiar place that has come to be known as ... "Slumberland."

another important transmission from: